Your #1 Moving Company in Arizona

Here at On The Move AZ, we take pride in calling ourselves the #1 moving company in Chandler, Gilbert AZ. We care for our respected clients because they matter to us. This amazing blog post also contains useful words of advice for those who are moving in a hot weather. When the summer is right around the corner in Phoenix Arizona, the heat tends to put our bodies under a great deal of stress. Anybody who is preparing to move under hot sunny conditions should take some effective precautions. When moving in hot weather, use the below given guidelines and precautions to prevent heat related injuries:

  • Stay Hydrated:
    Drink plenty of fluid in form of water, even if you are not thirsty. Keep chilled bottles with you for yourself and for your crew. Avoid drinking sugary and alcoholic beverages, as they can cause dehydration in your body.
  • Balance food intake:
    Its very important to eat during hot weather although you may not have an appetite. Balance food intake and water consumption while moving in hot weather. Your body needs the replacement of salts that it loses during sweat and excretion.
  • Start moving early in the morning:
    Try to start your move as early in the morning as possible. If you are moving with a moving company, check out the earliest availability from the company. If you are not moving with the moving company, then adjust your time such that you are not doing the most physical part during the peak heat time.
  • Dress light and wear sunscreen:
    Wear loose-fitted, light weight and light colored dress that makes you feel comfortable and allow easy movement while you are moving in a hot weather. Avoid wearing dark colored and tight fitted clothing as they can give more sensation of heat because dark colors attract sunlight and heat.
    Short and short sleeve shirts are the right choice. Do remember to wear sunscreen to protect your skin and body from sun burns. Your body can lose fluid due to sunburn, thus you will feel hotter and more uncomfortable as it causes itching.
  • Keep children, pets and the elderly safe during moving:
    Use sunscreens to protect your pets from sun burns that may cause ear and nose cancer to pets. Children and elders should be kept inside and at cool place for safety reasons.
  • Wear the footwear that breathes:
    Wear comfortable and well-fitted shoes. Avoid wearing sandals, flip-flops or high heels due to safety risks. Sneakers are the right choice, as they are comfortable and much safer while moving.
  • Safety precautions for heat sensitive items:
    Make sure that heat sensitive items like computers, laptops, artworks, electronics, chilled fluid bottles or any other heat sensitive item that can easily be damaged by heat should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Working air conditioners and fans at new place:
    Make sure that air conditioner, refrigerators and fans at your new home are available and in working condition.
  • Know the symptoms and treatment of heat exhaustion:
    Heat exhaustion should not be taken lightly. The most common symptoms and signs of heat exhaustion include confusion, dizziness, dark-colored urine, fainting, fatigue, headache, muscle cramps, nausea, pale skin, profuse sweating, vomiting, a high body temperature, dropping blood pressure and rapid heartbeat.
    If you or anyone else has these symptoms of heat exhaustion, stop whatever you are doing and get inside a cool room. If still the condition remains constant then drink plenty of water, take a cold shower or consult a doctor.
  • Keep an extra outfit:
    Once you are moving in a hot weather, you will feel fatigue and sweaty the time you arrive at a new home. Also keep an extra outfit and towel with you so that once you arrive at the new home, you can have a shower and change your sweaty dress.